Thickness steel body lined with plastic media in general in accordance with the chemical nature of the use of lining material and to determine the intensity of corrosion. 钢体内衬塑层厚度一般根据使用介质化学性质和对衬层材料的腐蚀强度来确定。
These cartons are well protected against moisture by plastic lining. 这些纸盒内有塑料衬面,防潮机能很美。
They trial-produced a plastic foam for lining winter clothes and quilts. 他们试制了一种衬冬衣和被子用的泡沫塑料。
The utility model relates to a disposable health face mask piece, which is composed of a plastic face of an outer layer, face mask paste of a middle layer and a lining gauze. 一种一次性保健面膜块,是由外层塑胶面、中间层面膜糊、里层纱布组成。
A plurality of side barbs are distributed around the central main barb, with every fishing line on every side barb threading a plastic branch pipe of an inside lining steel wire. 在中心主钓周边分布有若干旁钩,旁钩上的鱼线穿套在内衬钢丝的塑料支管内,塑料支管的中部通过连接件固接在基座的下部;
The Comparing Between Coating Plastic Pipe and Lining Plastic Pipe for Construction Conveying Water 建筑输水用涂塑钢管与衬塑钢管的比较
The cause of localized failure due to peeling, swelling and the surface resin exfoliating of glass fiber reinforced plastic ( FRP) lining in concrete and steel equipment were discussed in this paper, some methods for solving these problems were also discussed 探讨了混凝土结构和钢结构的耐腐蚀玻璃钢衬里层出现气泡、剥离、表面树脂溶胀等现象导致局部失效的原因及解决方法
Analysis on the Plastic Limits of Partial Arch Lining 圆形条带碹支护的塑性极限分析
Factors affecting the quality of handmade glass fiber reinforced plastic lining and the method for control 手糊法玻璃钢衬里施工质量的影响因素及其防治方法
Study on the New Engineering Plastic Lining of Seats 货车用新型工程塑料心盘衬垫的研究
The function of foamed plastic plates is to improve the stress state acted on the shaft lining. 讨论了泡沫塑料板能够改善井壁中应力状态的作用;
The equipment's overall water pressure test is developed to get lining bulge and plastic deformation, to eliminate the gap between lining and shell. 该方法将衬里的胀合处理与高压釜的水压试验结合一次完成,胀压衬里使其产生塑性流动,达到全部或部分消除衬里与壳体之间初始间隙的目的。
Furthermore, the effects of the lateral pressure coefficient on the plastic boundary regions of the rock, as well as the reinforcement of concrete lining support structures on the surrounding rock are discussed. 此外还研究了侧压力系数对巷道塑性区域的影响以及混凝土衬砌支护对巷道围岩的支护作用。
Application of plastic inside lining follow board 塑料内衬模板的应用
The properties of plastic refractory and castable refractory of clay, the lining type, lining work, preheating practice, effect and the future for their application to reheating furnace are reviewed. 本文介绍了加热炉用耐火可塑料和粘土浇注料的性能、炉衬构造型式、施工与烘炉、使用效果和今后的发展趋势。
On Stability Analyses of Soil Slop in Irrigation Canal with Plastic Film Lining 塑料薄膜防渗渠道土料保护层的稳定分析
According to the variation laws of plastic zone, stress and displacement fields of concrete lining in the contact process, the transfering process of tangential stress of lining and rock mass can be well simulated by setting up precrack element at possible crack position. 根据接触过程中衬砌塑性区、应力场和位移场的变化规律,在其可能开裂部位通过设置预裂单元模拟衬砌开裂后其切向应力的释放、转移过程。
Plastic lining by thermal spray for large capacity storage tanks 大型贮罐喷涂塑料衬里
Installation method of pipeline plastic film inner lining 管道塑膜管内衬施工方法
In order to prevent pipeline from corrosion, pipeline plastic film inner lining is applied and fine result is obtained through several engineering practices. 为防止管道的内腐蚀,采用了管道塑膜内衬技术,经过几个工程的实践,收到了良好的效果。
The article introduces construction process of the plastic film inner lining and its characteristics of short construction term and low cost by comparison. 介绍了管道塑膜内衬的施工工艺和内衬特点,经比较其施工工期短、造价低。
High pressure reactor's overall water pressure test was used to bulge lining plastic deformation, then eliminate the gap between lining and shell. 水压胀合法是利用高压釜整体水压试验时的压力来胀合衬里,使衬里产生塑性流动,达到全部或部分消除衬里与壳体之间的初始间隙。
Pipeline plastic film inner lining technology is a new construction method for oil field pipeline rehabilitation. 管道塑膜内衬技术是对油田管道在线修复的新施工方法。
Design of the Injection Mould for Right Angle Water Supply Pipe Joint with Plastic Lining Internal Thread 内螺纹衬塑直角管接头注射模设计
It indicates that loading on lining relates to range of Plastic region, lining time and a series of physical, mechanical, geometrical factors concerning confining rock and lining. 结果表明,衬砌上的荷载与塑性区大小、设立衬砌时间以及岩体和衬砌的一系列物理、力学和几何参量有关。
Calculation of Parameters for Gas Pipeline Rehabilitation Process with Plastic Lining 燃气管道穿插衬塑修复过程参数的计算
Based on the cause analysis and judgement of defects of glass fibre reinforced plastic lining in ammonium sulphate acid cyclone, improvement measure for protective methods was proposed from technology, formula and construction standards 通过对硫酸铵除酸器玻璃钢衬里渗漏、脱层等质量问题产生的原因分析、判断,从工艺、配方、施工规范角度提出了防护方法的改进措施
Plastic Solution of Limiting Bearing-Load Capacity about Concrete Shaft Lining with Steel Sheet 钢板混凝土井壁极限承载能力的塑性解
Cause of leakage and stripping phenomenon of glass fibre reinforced plastic lining in ammonium sulphate acid cyclone and its protective measure 硫酸铵除酸器玻璃钢衬里渗漏脱层原因分析及防护措施
The bond between inner plastic lining and steel tube base metal of that steel plastic clad tube is good, and the service life is long. 所生产的钢塑复合管道其内衬层与钢管基体贴合好、使用寿命长。